Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A surprising response to my open expression in written words...

I am not typically one to share my written words with others, especially someone that I am romantically inclined. After patiently awaiting the reception of my mailed sonnet, the letter arrived on the last Saturday of Spring Break. As my “significant otter” opened the mailed poem in the passenger seat of the car loaned to me by a close friend, spending her spring break in sunny, warm and most importantly, FAR San Diego, I anxiously anticipated his response to the words he would soon read to himself. I don’t consider myself and expert in expressing my emotions verbally or incredibly openly, so I knew it would be a bit of a surprise to be hit with so much feeling at once, seemingly out of nowhere. To my surprise and delight, the lucky recipient of my first attempted love sonnet was speechless, knowing full-well that his mere silence would prolong my anguish and impatience. Once the moving vehicle was made stationary, he affectionately comforted me that he liked it and then proceeded to ask questions (he’s a Business major…), including clarification of the word “ev’rything” and if it’s “allowed” and what the last couplet meant in English. Later, he’d ask me what the entire sonnet itself meant after much contemplation… I had my doubts about this exercise but it was nice to vulnerably put my writing out there to be judged and receive a welcome and appreciative response. Thank you, Dr. Sexson. Your enlightening activity has brought me a new perspective on not only my own writing abilities but also allowing others to fairly judge my thoughts and ideas.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First attempt at a love sonnet...here it goes!

Again we share another night alone
Together, when the light leaves and we soak
Into night. Intertwined, the gentle tone
Of your rhythmic sighs. Remembrance of jokes.

As mockingbirds, we laugh, joke and tease like
Those without thoughts or cares of others. Thinking
Of your welcome touch. We are too alike.
In your eyes, I see the ev'rything linking.

When too much is said, all is forgiven
Yet so much is said without words that with
Sense and instinct we know the forbidden.
And the song we share will be like a gift.

Quand je suis avec toi, je suis contente.
Tu n'es pas comme toutlemonde dans ce moment.

(translation from French to English of last two lines:

When I am with you, I am happy.
You aren't like everyone in this moment.)